Attract wealth, happiness, health, love
and the life you desire using the law of attraction
and our powerful visualization tools
Did you know that by using the Law of Attraction, along with the right tools you can:
- Attract more money into your life
- Attract more happiness
- Attract the perfect relationship
- Attract limitless abundance
- Attract a healthy body and mind
- Attract the life you’ve always wanted
You can achieve all of this and more when you learn how to harness the power of the Law of Attraction, through something known as "visualization". It's a fact that 83% of people who try to visualize, FAIL, and simply give up. They go back to their meager lives and decide that they will never be able to get the Law of Attraction to work for them.
I am here to tell you that there is another way, a more efficient way, an easier way. It’s called "Abundant Mind visualization videos" and you can start putting them to work for you TODAY. So, if you are serious about changing your life for good, and being given the power to attract everything you have ever wanted, then you need to read on...
What are abundant mind visualization videos?
Abundant Mind visualization videos are tools that literally enable you to re-program your subconscious mind and positively affect your thoughts, emotions and your mindset. Think of our videos as a "supercharged vision board". However, unlike a primitive vision board, these videos integrate four powerful and scientifically proven technologies to literally break down the walls of your conscious mind and start affecting REAL, POSITIVE change within.
Each Abundant Mind visualization video uses themed full motion video, a relaxation inducing audio soundtrack, subliminal messages (in the format of affirmations spoken in the third person) as well as a form of brainwave entrainment called "binaural beats".
Once your thoughts, emotions and your mindset are tuned to emit only positive "vibrational energy", success is all but guaranteed thanks to the Law of Attraction. Although it sounds like magic or hocus pocus, it has been in use for hundreds, if not thousands of years by the most successful and powerful people in history and it's scientifically proven to work.

If you aren't familiar with the law of attraction, don't worry...

In its most basic form, the law states "like attracts like". Essentially, your thoughts, emotions and intentions, whether they be subconscious or conscious, positive or negative, all emit something called "vibrational energy". The universe sends this same energy back to you, whether it's positive or negative. This energy attracts situations, opportunity's and the conditions in your life that are on the same vibrational wavelength. Thus, negative thoughts and emotions attract more of the same, never allowing you to get ahead. However, if you can affect your subconscious and conscious mind to emit only positive energy, then positive opportunity's, circumstances and conditions WILL follow, simply because that is what you are attracting.
Abundant Mind visualization videos are the tools you need to "train your brain" to start sending and receiving positive energy.
It's true that visualization videos are nothing new...
However unlike many of the so called "visualization videos" available that feature boring still images, music and text based affirmations, Abundant Mind features the only visualization videos that use a combination of FOUR proven techniques to positively alter your thoughts, emotions and mindset.
Forget primitive vision boards, forget sub-standard "videos" that are just moving photos with text and music, forget strange sounding subliminal audio. The most powerful and most effective collection of visualization tools is found right here, at
You can start attracting money, success, love or almost anything you want, today...
In fact our streaming video library contains over 48 pre-made subconscious altering videos and there are new ones being added all the time. These powerful visualization tools can help you conquer your fears, forget a painful past, conquer anxiety, find love, put you on the right track to financial success and everything in between.
Use these powerful tools to "re-program your mind" to attract the life you deserve to live, starting right now! Modification of your subconscious mind is not an instant process. You need to watch the videos and absorb the content as often as possible to fully realize the benefits. Each full length video in our collection ranges from 20 minutes to 45 minutes long and are themed with different outcomes in mind.
We recommend setting aside some quiet relaxation time twice a day to watch whatever video has the outcome you wish to achieve. Since the entire collection of videos is accessible online, you can use any internet connected device, anywhere you are, to access and watch the videos. We also recommend that you use a set of headphones and not your computer speakers to attain the best results.

Once you have the right tools, success must follow, thanks to the law of attraction...
If you have failed to use the Law of Attraction in the past this your chance to finally turn your life around. Once Abundant Mind visualization videos start to make real, lasting changes to your subconscious and conscious mind, success will follow. Be prepared to attract more money, a better job, greater happiness, and a life of abundance all thanks to Abundant Mind and the Law of Attraction.
Our videos combine four proven elements to empower your mind
Abundant Mind visualization videos is the only visualization video series available that combines four powerful and proven subconscious penetrating elements. Each and every pre-made high definition video uses themed video footage, a 3D spatial meditative audio soundtrack, binaural beats of specific brainwave frequencies and subliminal commands (similar to affirmations). When combined, these four elements can literally re-program your subconscious and conscious mind to help you attract whatever you desire.
Once you have control of your thoughts, your emotions and your mindset, it will WORK for you. Unlike many of the sub-standard visualization tools available, our videos create a complete sensory and emotional experience that guarantees success.

High definition themed video imagery

Abundant Mind videos integrate modern visualization techniques by way of high definition themed video with full motion sequences and emotion triggering visuals. Visualization is a proven process that involves using powerful images, thoughts and emotions to attract what you most desire. Whether it be money, love, health or otherwise, visualization is a widely accepted technique that has been used for decades by all types of people including psychologists, professional athletes, corporate management and more.
It is imperative to tie the visualizations with an emotional state to truly affect your subconscious, which is why most people find this impossible to do without a visual aid.
Our videos completely eliminate this problem using themed video sequences related to the videos desired outcome to ensure the right state of mind and right emotional connection.
Meditative audio soundtrack with spatial effects
Visualization is pointless if your mind and body is not in a state to be able to absorb, and realize what you are seeing and hearing. Which is why all Abundant Mind visualization videos feature a 3D spatial soundtrack that will induce a relaxed, meditative like state.
It is absolutely vital that your mind is not distracted in order for the visual and audio cues to work. If you are distracted, preoccupied or your conscious mind is just somewhere else, you are literally creating a wall around your subconscious and you aren't absorbing the message or creating an emotional connection.

Brainwave entrainment through binaural beats

Every Abundant Mind visualization video utilizes binaural beats mixed in with the meditation inducing audio tracks to create a truly unique auditory experience. Binaural beats are a form of brainwave entrainment that were first discovered in the mid 1800's. These tones replicate the same frequency levels of your brainwaves. Binaural beats are added that will entrain your brainwaves to specific frequencies referenced in each Abundant Mind visualization video. These brainwave frequencies will pull your mind into the correct emotional state that will make it easier for your subconscious to absorb the positive visual and audio programming.
Fear, anxiety, arousal, relaxation, love, happiness and other mental states all have associated brainwave frequencies that can be replicated using binaural beats.
Subliminal commands (both spoken & visual)
Many of our videos utilize subliminal audio in addition to visual written commands that appear very quickly on screen. Subliminal audio works as a form of hypnosis, training your mind using audio commands spoken directly to your subconscious that will gradually change your way of thinking, beliefs, values and even your behavior. Subliminal audio completely bypasses your conscious mind and works directly on the subconscious level to slowly enforce the desired effect. Subliminal commands are suggestions delivered to you from outside of your consciousness.
Although similar to affirmations, subliminal commands are spoken to you, written in the third person and are not for you to repeat aloud to yourself. Subliminal commands are a more effective format when combined with meditative audio and video, which is why they are integrated within each video.

Get lifetime access to 50+ subliminal manifestation videos

Abundance money affirmations – become a money magnet
Wealth and Success
03:15 (Demo) 23:14 (Full Version)

Avalanches of abundance with wealth visualization
Wealth and Success
02:46 (Demo) 22:34 (Full Version)

Millionaires know how to attract wealth – money visualization
Wealth and Success
05:06 (Demo) 34:41 (Full Version)

Meditation for beginning millionaires – attract wealth
Wealth and Success
05:06 (Demo) 37:42 (Full Version)

Support your desire for money with wealth consciousness affirmations
Wealth and Success
05:06 (Demo) 46:25 (Full Version)

Positive thinking as a way to support your thoughts of wealth
Wealth and Success
05:06 (Demo) 26:59 (Full Version)

Affirmations for love and romance at the intimacy frequency
Love and Relationships
05:06 (Demo) 39:53 (Full Version)

Love magnet affirmations with the law of attraction
Love and Relationships
05:06 (Demo) 33:38 (Full Version)

Love marriage affirmations – enjoy the abundance of love
Love and Relationships
05:06 (Demo) 39:53 (Full Version)

Raise your self-acceptance – affirmations for self-love
Love and Relationships
05:06 (Demo) 43:05 (Full Version)

Get closer to love – affirmations for loving relationships
Love and Relationships
05:47 (Demo) 31:24 (Full Version)

Affirmation for freedom – let the disturbing memories of the past go
Healing Body and Mind
05:06 (Demo) 33:17 (Full Version)

Affirmations for overcoming fears – follow your dreams and goals
Healing Body and Mind
05:06 (Demo) 39:31 (Full Version)

Affirmations for overcoming addiction – enjoy a healthy life
Healing Body and Mind
05:06 (Demo) 40:30 (Full Version)

Affirmations to stop negative thoughts – get rid of the negative
Healing Body and Mind
05:06 (Demo) 39:03 (Full Version)

Affirmations to lose weight fast and generate health
Healing Body and Mind
05:06 (Demo) 34:18 (Full Version)

Explore the abundant Universe with abundance affirmations
Special Abilities
05:05 (Demo) 30:07 (Full Version)

Great goals – happiness affirmations law of attraction
Special Abilities
05:04 (Demo) 33:32 (Full Version)

Affirmations for subconscious mind – messages of hidden cosmic forces
Special Abilities
05:06 (Demo) 35:29 (Full Version)

Make random things – affirmations to attract good luck
Special Abilities
05:06 (Demo) 35:48 (Full Version)

Reboot your brain – meditation for motivation
Special Abilities
05:06 (Demo) 37:51 (Full Version)
Join thousands of people using ‘abundant mind’ to change their lives
I have only watched the Abundance subliminal and only the 10-minute version too and Whoa! I have seen some so-called "subliminal" programs ...what a joke... this technology is just amazing and you guys are saints for sharing it! Please keep the videos coming because they are for real and powerful! I would be remiss to not recommend these subliminal trips to anyone looking to really see real results fast and still get to enjoy an awesome visual/audio show! Check this out! You will be glad you did! Sincerely, Ross B.
I watched so many Subliminal videos. But Abundant Mind videos are the BEST. The graphics are amazing. I bought one of your videos and it had already an amazing impact on me. I will keep you updated.
I have seen many subliminal videos, yours are the most beautiful and have to most heart that I have ever seen. Yes, there is some great stuff out there but yours are awe-inspiring. Just watching them is fun and beautiful. Completely takes my mind away from thinking it’s subliminal. Awesome, just awesome. I’ll recommend you on my website with a link if it’s ok with you.
OMG!!!! Phenomenal and Exhilarating!! I have been viewing your videos for the last few hours and THEY ROCK! This "Going Deep" is off the chain... such powerful vibrations!! WOW Lovely, Thank you.
Hi Ty, thanks for your welcome. I have looked at several of the free 15 minute videos. so powerful. I watched the one on self-esteem and had to preside over an event as the MC. WOW. I was in rare form. I was so confident, didn’t stumble, stutter, or flinch, it was great. Thanks, I watch every day. I watch the millionaire mindset. Love it.
I intend to continue to be in a wealthy place receiving financial prosperity every day. I had listened to the Going Deep for about 3 times. I received $100 from a brother friend at church wishing me a happy birthday. I needed the funds to have gas to get to work. I intend to earn $3,000 per day!
So I have been a little down financially lately (well, who hasn’t?) but I wanted to do something about it. I started a business last December (5 months ago), which I thought would take a while to pick up. After watching the "Success" video a few times, the phone began to ring! Companies I had never contacted or sent my information to began calling me, and now I have almost more work than I can handle! I now work for five companies doing subcontracting work which I enjoy very much. Thanks, Abundant Mind, for your amazing videos and for helping change my life. I am going to buy a few full-length videos now since the money is coming in and I can afford it!!!!!
Hello Ty, I want to thank you for sharing the Abundant Mind series. Ever since I’ve been using the Abundant Mind messages, my work and personal life have blossomed. I’ve gotten bolder with communicating with people and also in doing my presentations! :) Thanks again and hope to keep in contact with you.
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We are so confident that our videos will have a profound impact on your life that we back them up with a 60-day money back guarantee. You have absolutely nothing to lose and only an Abundant Mind to gain! If at any time you decide that our videos are not right for you, simply contact us and request a full refund of your payment.
Stop dreaming about the life you want, and start living it...
There is no better time to make a change in your life than RIGHT NOW. It doesn't matter if you have struggled to use the Law of Attraction in the past. It doesn't matter how old you are, what ethnic background you are, if you are a man or a woman. If you have the right tools, anyone can start using the Law of Attraction to attract the life they truly want to live.
You have a very important choice to make: You can either continue to live your current life and make no change, or you can join the TENS OF THOUSANDS of people who have put Abundant Mind visualization videos to work for them, and are manifesting the life they always dreamed of.
Whether you want to:
- Attract more money into your life
- Attract more happiness
- Attract the perfect relationship
- Attract limitless abundance
- Attract a healthy body and mind
- Attract the life you’ve always wanted
It is all instantly within your reach when you join Abundant Mind. If you join RIGHT NOW you get instant access to over 48 pre-made visualization videos, PLUS $190 in FREE bonuses, PLUS our 60-day money back guarantee.
There is literally ZERO risk to you, you have nothing to lose and only an abundant mind to gain! If you join RIGHT NOW and decide at any point in the next 60 days that access to our library of powerful visualization tools is not for you, simply request a full refund. The $190 in FREE bonuses are yours to keep, just for giving Abundant Mind a try.
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If you are finally ready ready to start living a life of abundance...
If you are finally ready to experience true happiness...
If you are finally ready to physically manifest your dreams and desires...
Click the "Join Now" button above, and GET INSTANT ACCESS to the entire collection of Abundant Mind visualization videos and your $190 in FREE bonuses.
I hope to see you on the inside,