Positive thinking as a way to support your thoughts of wealth

Perhaps, everyone dreams of money luck - who doesn't? It grants you stability and financial freedom. You become your own boss, and abundance gives you spiritual freedom. You can travel to any destination you like: luxurious hotels and spas, remote islands or mountain peaks. Basically, with wealth, you can do anything because you can afford anything. You don't have to restrict your desires or pleasures. That's a beautiful life, isn't it?

In a rich life, wealth creation or easy problem solving becomes a matter of fact. 

Many people work hard but they are never lucky in gaining wealth. They just can't attract money, and it flows past them again and again. They are not open for success. 

However, the creation of well-being closely relates to visualization, meditation, and positive thinking. People, who fail to get financial success, can't see the possibilities and opportunities that are slightly beneath the surface. 

This success attraction training video lifts the veil. It contains powerful words to attract money. It affects your conscious and subconscious mind via subliminal and spoken commands. As a result, the mind gets stronger and wins. The vision of money sources emerges. Finally, you are granted success and prosperity from the Universe.

Watch the demo - it is your first step to the world of exuberance. Don't miss the best deals for the full video version. 

Program yourself for success with the secret law of attraction movie online. 

Some of the subliminal commands embedded in this video include:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are binaural beats?

Binaural beats are the result of two different tones, one played in each ear. The interference pattern between the two frequencies creates the illusion of a "beat", or "phantom sound". Headphones or earphones are required, as is the functioning of both ears, to be able to discern the "beat".

Can I download these videos to my iPhone or iPad?

It is not possible to download any video to an iPhone/iPad. These videos are extremely large due to HD footage and subliminal encoding, and are meant to be downloaded to your computer. However, all of our videos can be streamed online to any mobile device, including iPhones and iPads.

How do I download the full version of the videos?

Once you have decided which video you wish to purchase, simply click on the "Buy" button. After payment has been made you will be automatically redirected to a download page where you can download your video. You will also recieve an email confirmation immediately after purchase. The email will contain a link to your personal "download page". Click it. When you arrive on your "download page", you'll see the title of each video or download you purchased. RIGHT CLICK on each title, select "save as" or "save link as" and allow the files to download completely to your COMPUTER, one at a time. Its important to right click and save the file to your computer, as simply clicking on the link will only open the file, not download from your computer.

How do I use these videos?

Select a video, or videos, that relate to something you want to change in your life, like Money, Love, Health, Confidence or other areas. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Laying down or reclining comfortably is best. You must use headphones or earphones. As you begin viewing the videos, pay attention to the beginning introduction. As the video begins, focus on your intention, or what you want to change about your life. Imagine how things would be different if they changed. Imagine how things would feel. Visualize yourself in that newly changed state. Allow your mind to relax and know that your subconscious is receiving many subliminal messages designed to program you to get what you want.

Is there really any difference between the FREE preview versions and the FULL versions?

YES! The "free" versions, while they are much longer than one would expect, are designed to give you an idea of the experience, show you the HD quality, introduce you to binaural beat frequencies and start priming your mind with subliminal messages. While some have reported good results after repeated viewing of the "free" versions, the overwhelming majority have reported quicker, more definitive results when they incorporate "FULL" versions into their lives. The reason for this is that the "FULL" versions contain the natural binaural beat progression designed to facilitate a meditative mind quicker, and hold you there longer. While you are in that meditative state, the "FULL" versions send a much higher concentrated amount of subliminal commands deeper into your subconscious where they can take root, and begin to influence your conscious mind and life.

Are results guaranteed?

Just like any self help regiment, personal results depend entirely on personal outlook and determination. There are many stories in the TESTIMONIALS SECTION written by people who are experiencing amazing results with our videos when they are used properly according to the instructions at the beginning of each video. If you follow the instructions, focus your intention, and take action when ideas come to you after meditating with these videos, you'll have a much greater chance of attracting and creating what you want in your life, than if you simply watched the videos once in awhile expecting magic to happen.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

Yes, any purchase made on our website comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. Simply use your confirmation email receipt to file a support or refund request with ClickBank.com. All refund requests or support requests must be done via the Clickbank system, so please ensure you keep your original purchase email receipt.

Should I try and hear and understand the subliminal messages?

No. The spoken subliminal encoding is designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious where it can start influencing your behavior and your ability to effect changes in your life.

Should I try and read the subliminal messages that flash on the screen?

No. The subliminal text encoding is designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious where it can start influencing your behavior and your ability to effect changes in your life.

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Make your mind stronger via positive thinking. Discover the secret law of attraction with a subliminal video and open yourself for success.


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